the lineage

For many years the various fighting techniques of the samurai warrior class later referred to as jujutsu passed through the families and clans of feudal Japan. One of these said clans is supposedly the Minimoto clan connected to the line of Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu. The origins of Daitō-ryū maintain a supposed lineage extending approximately 900 years, originating with Shinra Saburō Minamoto no Yoshimitsu (新羅 三郎 源 義光, 1045–1127), who was a Minamoto clan samurai and member of the Seiwa Genji.
Nevertheless, in the 19th century the line lands on a man named Takeda Sokaku born (1859) whose family had been part of the nobility of Japan and preserving various comprehensive forms of Jujutsu. Takeda Sokaku is named as the man who restored the techniques in what is undisputedly the most comprehensive archive of jujutsu techniques, The Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu (Great Eastern School). It is through this body of knowledge and its influence we see the birth of arts such as Judo, Aikido and Hapkido.
Choi yong sul Korean born was the supposed adopted son of Takeda Sokaku and studied Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu under him until his death in (1943) after which Choi returned to Korea and began to teach his techniques. With the assistance of masters in native Korean martial arts, the system was expanded - especially in regard to striking. The expanded body of techniques were quite diverse and so an umbrella term was used which ultimately became what is known as Hapkido.
It is during this new explosion of martial arts, emerging out of Asia, taking place in the post-war world of the 1950s that North Korean born Master N.G.Joo arrives in England after studying both the first wave of Hapkido along with native styles of the monks and palace guards in Korea.
In 1970 the Great Britain Hapkido Association in England was born. Mr N. G. Joo was appointed by the headquarters of Hapkido Seoul Korea as director of all Hapkido in Britain. Mr Joo lived in Norwich, Norfolk and founded the first club there at the Duke Street Centre.
Grandmaster Michael Peachman 6th degree Hapkido and 4th Degree international taekwondo instructor. Michael Peachman began his long martial arts career as a teen and was a part of the first wave of students. Michael Peachman studied under master N.G.Joo along with receiving his grade in taekwondo from the founder himself General Choi Hong Hi. Opening Eagle Hapkido - the first Hapkido School in South Australia in 1984. Michael Peachman also did a lot of pioneering in the early International Taekwondo federation in Australia. Mr Peachman is undeniably a legend in the martial arts community.
Master David Duthie studied for 25 years under grand master Michael Peachman in the old style and was the senior instructor at Eagle Hapkido for several years. His wealth of knowledge and experience is a real privilege for all at the Okami dojo.
Nathan Cain is the head instructor at Okami Dojo. Apprenticing for 13 years under Grand master Michael Peachman and master David Duthie Nathan, he has continued to study martial arts at a high level while training with professional fighters in Australia and Japan (he had spent considerable time living and studying in Japan). Nathan also has experience working in stunts and choreographing fight scenes for television and feature films. More importantly though, he has over a decade of experience in the security industry applying techniques in dangerous real-life situations and training professionals alike in their use. Nathan currently holds a 4th degree junior master instructor blackbelt issued by the Korean Hapkido federation and the kido hae.